Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ways To Ask How Was School Hoday

Ways To Ask How Was School Hoday

1. What was the best thing that happened as school today? ( What was the worst thing that happened as school today?)
2. Tell me something that made you laugh today.
3. If you could choose what would you like to sit by in class? (who would you NOT want to sit by in class? Why?)
4. Where is the coolest place at school?
5. Tell me a weird word that you heard today. (Or something weird that someone said.)
6. If I called your teacher tonight what would she tell me about you?
7. How did you help somebody today?
8. How did somebody help you today?
9. Tell me one thing that you learned today.
10. When were you happiest today?
11. When were you bored today?
12. If an alien spaceship came to your class and beamed up someone who would you want them to take?
13. Who would you like to play with at recess that you’ve never played with before?
14. Tell me something good that happened today.
15. What word did your teacher say most today?
16. What do you think you should do/learn more of at school?
17. What do you think you should do/learn less of at school?
18. Who in your class do you think you could be nicer to?
19. Where do you play at the most at recess?
20. Who is the funniest person in your class? Why is he/she so funny?
21. What was your favorite part of lunch?
22. If you had the opportunity to be a teacher tomorrow what would you teach about?
23. Is there anyone in your class that needs a time out?
24. If you could switch seats with anyone in the class who would you trade with? Why?
25. Tell me about three different times you used your pencil today at school?
Have you tried any of these?  If so, which  questions did you find most helpful?  Have any to add?  Clearly, I need all the help that I can get!

By Segun Benson

Six Things kids Need To Succeed At School — But Too Many Don't Get

For Things kids Need To Succeed At School — But Too Many Don't Get 

Time to rest, relax, and keep healthy habits. Time to connect with family, friends, and themselves.

Monday, September 14, 2015

5 Amazing Things Unborn Babies Can Do in the Womb

5 Amazing Thing Unborn Babies Can Do In The Womb

(LiveActionNews) — Preborn children may not be at the same developmental stage as us, but there are many things that they can still do! They have beating hearts at only 21 days gestation, detectable brain waves at roughly 42 days, and can suck their thumbs and yawn. They even have taste buds and their own fingerprints!
The incredible things preborn children can do inside the womb may surprise us, however, they certainly showcase the humanity of preborn life.

The New Mother - Taking Care of Yourself After Birth

The New Mother - Taking Care of Yourself After Birth

The postpartum period begins after the delivery of the baby and ends when the mother's body has nearly returned to its pre-pregnant state. This period usually lasts six to eight weeks.
The postpartum period involves the mother progressing through many changes, both emotionally and physically, while learning how to deal with all the changes and adjustments required with becoming a new mother.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

13 Things All Men Should Know About Pregnant Women

13 Things All Men Should Know About Pregnant Women

When it comes to dealing with pregnant women, I'm no expert. Hell, I still don't even know how to figure out women in general. In fact, I'm the antithesis of an expert. Luckily for you, I've made just about every single stupid mistake and placed my foot so far in my mouth during my wife's pregnancies that I'm overqualified to speak to you about things you need to know to avoid getting knocked out by the knocked up.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Loving and Caring Parents

Loving and Caring Parents

“PARENTS” Its such a beautiful and Caring word. Every Person is lucky to have Loving and Caring Parents. Parents are very important in our life. The most important, Secure and solid pillar of our life. They teach and influence us to do right things, to go right path and many more things. In our life, Our parents seems to be like a god for us.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Preservative in Baby Wipes Linked to Rashes in Some Children

Preservative in Baby Wipes Linked to Rashes in Some Children

Researchers report six cases where stopping use of wipes resolved skin reaction

Please note: This article was published more than one year ago. The facts and conclusions presented may have since changed and may no longer be accurate. And "More information" links may no longer work. Questions about personal health should always be referred to a physician or other health care professional.
Preservative in Baby Wipes Linked to Rashes in Some Children

MONDAY, Jan. 13, 2014  Researchers say they have pinpointed a preservative found in many popular wet wipes and baby wipes as the cause of allergic skin reactions in some children.
Reports of reactions have ranged from disfiguring patches to crusting, swelling, blistering and tiny cracks in the mouth, cheek, hands and/or buttocks of young patients.

Friday, September 4, 2015


  1. Be a Good Mother Step 1.jpg
    Be supportive, and never laugh at your kids hobbies, interests or friends.Instead, help your child follow their dreams by providing support, encouragement and the opportunity to do so.
    • So, your daughter doesn't want to study medicine and become a doctor? Don't get angry, this is your child's life and they can make some of their own decisions.