Thursday, February 12, 2015

Potty Training Tips For Our Toddler Boys

Have a Dude Show Him the Way

Face it. Sometimes it's just easier for Dad to show his son exactly what to do. Oftentimes Mom is on potty duty, or in the case of single moms, there is not a male role model in the home 24/7. "On average, boys take longer to potty train, largely because Mom is usually in charge of the process," says Singer, mother of two boys. "And try as we might, we can't model peeing while standing all that well."
As a single mom u feel like there's no harm in letting your son watch you, since he tends to mimic you in other everyday situations (brushing hair and teeth). However, you know it's cool for him to have a guy around. It's best to have Dad, a grandfather, uncle, or older brother show your son how it's done.

Sit or Stand: Let Him Decide

Your son, might be showing signs that he's ready to potty train, alerting you with a full diaper. Now what? Does he sit, or stand and aim? Relax -- whether he sits or stands -- the goal is that he goes. Singer recommends introducing both options. "Boys should start out with whatever they are most comfortable doing. If he starts out sitting, he can always switch to standing when he's more adept at using the toilet.

Target Practice Makes Perfect

OK, progress -- your little boy has taken a liking to standing on a stool and making the magic happen! One big problem: He shoots, he aims, he doesn't score, and you're constantly cleaning up his mishaps. Turning a task into a game is an alluring way to ample up potty practices! This is the fun part, says Singer: "Cereal, such as bright Froot Loops, or Tinkle Targets are engaging ways to teach your son how to aim while peeing standing up.

Reward Good Behavior

Gifts are a go! Just decide what motivates your child to use the potty, Singer says. "We were big fans of stickers in our house. I put them on my boys' shirts so they could show them off like little decorated generals when Daddy came home." Other suggestions include candies (one M&M for every pee-pee in the potty), an extra story at bedtime, inexpensive toys (think a dollar store), a new coloring book, or a special made-up potty dance.

Limit Liquids at Night

Enter the snack police. "Limit milk and juice at least an hour before bedtime to help your child stay dry at night," Singer says. Translation: Push snack time back or serve a later dinner. Singer also cautions that "nighttime training often comes later than daytime training. You might want to focus on one at a time as to not overwhelm your son.

Try Underwear

You've officially begun potty training but you're not exactly sure what that means when it comes to ditching diapers and slipping into some big-boy underpants. Singer says timing is everything. "When your toddler can stay dry for a good three hours, you might want to institute 'underwear time.' It's part reward, part training technique. Let your child pick out cool big-kid underpants to wear at this time, and then increase the time as you have success. But, do expect setbacks now and then. Just clean it up and remind your child that pee and poop go in the potty." It's also smart to note that undies and training pants fit the same way -- the act of pulling them up and down will help with consistency.

By Parents

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