Thursday, May 7, 2015

How to get your child to stop using diapers (prt 3)

Have patience!
 parents should understand that this is a time-consuming process, with many regressions that can often be frustrating. Most parents complain that their child who had been off diapers for several weeks went back to using them, leaving them frustrated. The first point here is not to get frustrated but continue trying to train your child.
Secondly, ask yourself and be true in your answer, as to why this regression occurred. Many times, the answer is because there are diapers in the house. Many parents feel the need to have a few diapers at home for stepping out or regression days and this is probably the root cause of your child’s attachment.
I know it is difficult but the best way to stop your child from using diapers is to throw away all the diapers at home and make your home diaper-free. It may result in many accidents for a few days, which may cause more work for you but in the long run, your child would have learnt not to use the diapers. Always remember that it is important never to confuse your child and using diapers at night or for outings can confuse them.
Lastly, never use training pants to train your child as these will lead to more confusion and will not stop them from using diapers. A proper and well-structured potty or toilet training along with lots of praise and encouragement is the only way to get your child to stop using diapers.
Reference: Rosh Mahtani

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